Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sunny Saturday

It's hard to believe that we've been here a week already! We are having such a good time with family and friends, and soaking up the beautiful Santa Barbara weather. As I write, Lily is napping and I can hear the splashing fountain outside; very tranquil. After Lily wakes up we are planning a trip to the Santa Barbara zoo, which will no doubt become a cherished memory. I think Grandpa is the most excited of all. Lily was her bubbly self this morning and helped Grandpa with chores after breakfast. I love seeing them together.

Last night, Joel and I went to see Prince Caspian. We both really enjoyed it. There are many moments in the film that are beautiful and satisfying. Interesting imagery of the Holy Spirit and of baptism (both as judgement and salvation), too. I especially liked the trees and, of course, the scenes with Lucy and Aslan. What a great evening.

I'm currently reading Neil Postman's Amusing Ourselves to Death, which came out 20 years ago but is probably more relevant than when it was first written. One of his main points (borrowed from another author) is that the media is the message. Were it not for the entertainment-influenced (driven?) nightly news, there would be no such thing as the news of the day. And certainly we are well aware of the way that 24-hour news outlets have transformed what is significant to us in major ways. I have no doubt that this year's election is being decided in large part by the media, as is public opinion on many issues. How many of us seek out primary source material and thing critically about the issues? Even the interviews and topics of discussion are crafted for the media; the media has shaped the message. He argues that television is at its best when it merely seeks to entertain, and at its most dangerous when it promotes itself as the distributor of truth. Fascinating points, and I'm only on chapter three. I am fairly certain I read this book about a decade ago, but it's well worth reading again.

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