Monday, May 5, 2008

Cinco de Mayo

Tonight I will celebrate Cinco de Mayo with my Girls' Night Out group, which is made up of a bunch of moms from Lookout. We meet once a month for dinner, and it is a lot of fun. We usually try out a new restaurant, but Ellen volunteered to have us all over for tacos and margaritas, with each of us bringing side dishes. I'm looking forward to the festivities and just wish I could get my hands on a pinata.

After that I head over to Signal Mountain for rehearsal with our worship group. We're working on a recording of about 12 songs, hymns that Eric has re-written. We're also leading worship for a conference next weekend, so we may run through some of that. Eric asked me to listen to a new song and re-write some of it; I really like it, and think I can hear a chorus in there somewhere. It's fun to work with other musicians.

Of course, the biggest commitment this week is to Clothesline. We had a brief mention in the Arts section of the paper yesterday, and the weekend is coming quickly. I need to get all of my frames clean and ready to hang, and go buy ribbon and put all of my note cards in sets. I'm going to double-check my mats, too, and make sure there aren't any that need to be replaced. This is art week on two fronts--my work also goes up at the Bill Shores Gallery today, so when Lily wakes up from her morning nap we'll be heading over there. I think I'll take a stack of Clothesline cards with me, too. It's exciting and busy, and I hope it is all worth it.

Just doing it is worth it.

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