Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunday evening

The sun is just beginning to set, the birds are singing, and Lily is sleeping. It is a calm Sunday evening. Joel went to church, but I stayed home to get Lily to bed on time and to get some rest myself. She only got one nap today, so she was ready to go down a little early.

I love how green everything is again. The trees have full green leaves, and all the lawns are lush and beautiful. Our trees outside still have blossoms, but leaves, too, which is very pretty. Sitting in this little den, I am surrounded by windows framing the green trees outside, and it's very relaxing. At least it's relaxing to look out the windows. If I look down, I see toys and the remnants of dinner on Lily's tray, and think of the next chore. Oh well. I think I'll look out the window again and admire Annette's irises across the street.

The Fitzpatricks gave me an entire box of lily bulbs at church today. They have the most glorious white and stargazer lilies, and I had commented on them when we were over there. Jim had planted all he could and had many left over...lucky me! I am looking forward to getting them in the ground tomorrow.

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