Saturday, May 10, 2008


Today was a good day. The Clothesline show is going well, though we had a smaller turnout today than expected. We're hoping it will pick up tomorrow. Still, I have sold 15 packages of note cards and one unframed painting, and I am feeling encouraged about this whole process. I have gotten a lot of good feedback on my work and on the process, and it inspires me to want to try some new ones. I ran a few packages of cards over to the Bill Shores gallery, too, and have four works on display there. Also encouraging. What would encourage me the most would be to sell off my entire inventory, but that would be nothing short of miraculous.

Lily was taking a little nap when I got home, so I still got to feed her and play with her before bedtime. What a sweetheart. She played with the beads on my shirt and commented on them in her sweet Lily language. She brought me toys to admire and books to read to her. I love watching her play with her doll house and farm, and even had her cuddle me for a moment or two, which is a rare thing for my active little girl. She went down for the night without a peep; later I looked in through the door and she was still awake, sucking her thumb and holding Blankie. She is a dear little soul.

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