Friday, May 2, 2008


I've been blogging for a few years now, but my blog has always centered around pictures. I thought maybe I'd start blogging a few words.

It's early, and the sun is coming up. Everything outside is green, and I hear the birds, who have been up for hours. I was up earlier than usual, and spent some time reading the Scripture that comes to my in-box. I'll admit, after struggling to find a consistent reading pattern, having a link delivered to me that provides readings for the day has done the trick. I highly recommend it.

This morning I finished off the gospel of John, which is beautiful. There is something about the thought of Jesus on the lake shore in the morning eating fish with his disciples...I can almost see them. His three-fold question to Peter: Do you love me? Giving Peter the opportunity to recant his three-fold denial. The thought of the whole world filled with books had God decided to have every detail of Christ's life recorded...for indeed, it would be a story that began before time and has no ending.

I'm also reading Collin Hansen's Young, Restless, Reformed, in which the author travels the country speaking with a variety of leaders whom he dubs "the New Calvinists." What strikes me particularly is the breadth of folks who are attracted to reformed theology. A lot of them would avoid the term "Calvinist" in the same way others have shunned denominational labels. But they delight in the doctrines of grace and find that their emphasis on theology and mercy and the deep study of Scripture attracts a group turned off by slick evangelicalism. I can appreciate that. It makes me excited about the fall and opportunities that lay before us with college ministry.

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