Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tuesday afternoon

I have been fairly productive today, and with Lily down for an afternoon nap am enjoying some time to just sit. My Walmart fan is buzzing away like the propeller on an airplane and it's keeping me cool. It's actually cooler today, and the forecast calls for thunderstorms every day this week. They bring welcome relief from the heat, which was about 100 yesterday.

Joel moved the crazy rope ladder from its regular position (blocking the basement stairs) up into the ceiling, where it will no longer attack me every time I go down to do the laundry. It's amazing what a difference a little thing like that can make. It feels like a luxury at this point!

I moved some winter clothes into two storage boxes and ran out of room. I need to come up with a different solution. More space-saver bags might work, though I think getting rid of a ton of stuff is probably smarter. I just don't want to have to re-buy anything when the seasons change. But, there's a bunch of stuff I never wore this past winter. Hmm. Every project takes four other layers of organization and work. But, I am making progress, slowly but surely.

Lily and I stopped by the church today and played with Jackie for quite a while. Lily loves tearing down the halls, running up and down, and playing with the toys in Jackie's office. Joel was able to come out for a few minutes, too, and Lily loved running to Daddy. She was acting a little shy at first, but soon was off on her own adventures. By the time we got home it was almost three, and she was ready for a nap.

Which is why I have some time at this moment. Mmmmm.

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