Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I can't believe how productive I've been this morning. Babies fed, Lily's room clean and all her laundry put away, two more loads of laundry in the washer and dryer, our clothes all put away, the kitchen clean, dishes humming away in the dishwasher. To what do I owe this burst of energy? I am positive it is all due to a tiny little boy who let me sleep all night!! Ah, uninterrupted sleep! I think it was his two-month birthday present to Mommy. I seriously feel more rested than I have in a really long time.

So, I have nine minutes until Susan shows up to watch Lily while I take Jack to the doctor for his checkup. It is very foggy and POURING rain; wouldn't you know? I don't think we've had rain in a month. Oh well. We need it! It is very cozy. I wish I could just stay in my nice, cozy house. But, at least the doctor's parking is covered! That's a good thing.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

And it's October.

All of a sudden. The leaves are beginning to change, and the weather has cooled off to the 70s, making for near-perfect days. I have one baby sleeping in her crib and the other dozing in his car seat in anticipation of leaving for the park as soon as Lily wakes up. The house is very quiet.

I have finished an eight-page article on the spiritual disciplines which I'm thinking of submitting to Modern Reformation. Joel read it and made some good comments, and I've emailed it to my friend Lynne for further input. It doesn't really fit with the upcoming themes for Modern Ref, but maybe it will at some point. It meets the word limit (3000 words) if you don't include the footnotes; with them, it exceeds it. Anyway, it was a good outlet for me to think through some ideas that I've been mulling over, so it was a worthwhile exercise.